Friday 21 January 2011


This Unit was all about 3D, a real introduction to the production of a 3D scene. There is one thing I’ve learnt about designing a 3D set: It’s amazingly hard to build up and requires al lot of dedication. The amount of work we had to produce this time was twice as much as last time and looking back to the first project we had I am thinking: “Oh my God, that Unit was so much easier!”. I guess this is a good sign, a sign that we are becoming better and quicker in such a short amount of time. I never thought I would be able to design a 3D set especially after all this trouble with Maya <=……(>_<)… 
But I finally made it and created a fairly satisfying scene for my skills in this area. I was enjoying and was simultaneously feeling anxious about the process. I gained knowledge on texturing,, lighting and learned a lot about different effects than can bring your ideas into life. I am looking forward to the next Unit and learn a lot more. For now it’s time for a break after all this “Uncanny Overdose” which is still hovering in my mind! Yay! Reading week at last! :D

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